Friday, April 04, 2008

Self-Tagged Meme - Soundtrack

No one tagged me for this, I just came across it while playing. But it's fun, so I'm going to do it. Clearly I have a penchant for listing songs, so you all just going to have to bear with me.

Here’s how it works:
1. open your library (iTunes, winamp, media player, iPod)
2. put it on shuffle
3. press play
4. for every question, type the song that’s playing
5. new question — press the next button
6. don’t lie

opening credits: "Almost Like Being in Love"- Gene Kelly from Brigadoon (Aw, love this song!)
waking up: "Walking on Broken Glass" - Annie Lennox (also my 4th grade jazz class warm up song)
first day at school: "Canceled Check" - Beck (er, no idea...good song though)
falling in love: "Never Gonna Dance Again" - Wham! (not so much)
breaking up: "Adding to the Noise" - Switchfoot (okay...)
prom: "Schlindler's List Theme" - Williams (seriously messed up, category wise)
life’s okay: "The First Song" - Band of Horses (spot on)
breakdown: "A Good Man is Easy to Kill" - Beulah (awesome)
driving: "We Got the Beat" - Go Gos (I could drive to this)
flashback: "Let it Snow!" - Bing Crosby (no more snow, please)
getting back together: "Save Me From Myself" - Christina Aguilera (appropriate)
wedding: Black Wave/Bad Vibrations - The Arcade Fire (not so appropriate)
birth of child: Coming Home - Caedmon's Call (I love this whole CD, so yes)
final battle: The Little Things You Do Together - Sondheim from Company (so great)
death scene: Rocket Man - Elton John (why not?)
end credits: I Ran (So Far Away) - Flock of Seagulls (lots of 80's...)

Kind of stupid, in retrospect. But then I already spent all this time typing, so it's going up.

Since I wasn't tagged, I'm not going to tag anyone either. Play along if you're feeling it...

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