Monday, June 29, 2009

Hey look guys, a post without a video embed! Unbelievable!!

I'll give you some time to compose yourself.
I will readily admit that this is a procrastination post. I have lots of work to do, and despite getting plenty of sleep last night, I cannot for the life of me wake up and get motivated to attack my task list. So I'm just going to give you a summary of the random things I've been thinking about in the last couple of days/hours.

- I woke up this morning humming Country Grammar by Nelly. I mean, What. The. Hell?

- With all the MJ music playing all over the place, I was recently reminded of my favorite MJ-related moment: Ebony, Joi, and I, on shoestring budget vacation to Italy in 1999, and one of the mini-orchestras in the Piazza San Marco started playing "Billie Jean." We freaked out, and then started dancing. Awesome.

- I find it sort of interesting that I've developed a reputation for being funny. I mean, I have my moments, but I want to reply with, "if you think I'm funny, you should really meet my friends." I think a good sense of humor totally is developed by being around hilarious people - it sort of sharpens you, you know? So I'd like to thank all of you that helped me along the way, I couldn't have gotten here without you (sniff). And consider this my official acknowledgement of stealing your bits and passing them off as my own with no credit. Most of you live out of state anyway, so no harm done I'm sure :).

- I've decided that I'm going to learn some rudimentary German, after trying to do so in grad school with the able help of my German housemate (hi, Dani!). Sadly finals and generally having too much fun got in the way of my tutorials. My work has Rosetta stone software for loaning, and now that my computer is updated enough to handle it (thanks, Jer!), I'm ready to attempt it again.

- Seriously, isn't it time for the new Harry Potter movie YET?! It was supposed to be in November, then in June. I know I'm acting like a 6 year old, but I'm so ready to see this movie. Hurry up and get here, release date!

- I started my new job in DC exactly 5 years ago yesterday, which means either the 26th or the 27th was officially 5 years of having lived in the DC area (I can't remember if I moved here on a Saturday or Sunday...Saturday seems most likely). So much has happened in five years, and yet so much seems remarkably the same. Life is weird.

Happy Monday to you all. And now the caffeine has kicked in, so I'm buzzed to and ready to be productive! Here we go!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

for Joi

Because it's the only Sunny Day Real Estate song I know, and I have fond memories of Albert and Jonathan switching to "elf voice" about minute 2:

I hope the concert reunion is everything you dreamed it would be.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Or the Starbucks...

Okay, this is so lame. And true. And I love it so much. Thanks Anne!