Thursday, February 08, 2007's cold in here

So after all of these ridiculous people COMPLAINING that it was way too warm for wintertime, the winter arrived. To the tune of a negative 6 wind chill. I cannot cope with this people, I just can't. Heat, particularly heat that is dry and desert like and not humid, I can deal with. This cold thing is not fun at all.

I'm trying my very best to winterize my wardrobe, but currently own maybe 4 things with wool in them. Everything else is cotton! Who would buy a wool sweater when they live in Austin? Not me! And now I regret passing by those incredibly reduced sweaters on the sale racks (because no one else would buy them either)...just think how warm I could be had I only thought ahead.

Yesterday people were going to walk to a nearby neighborhood for lunch, and asked if I'd like to join. My response was something along the lines of: "Are you out of your mind? I brought my lunch and will be staying where it is warm, until I am forced to go into the cold to go home. I will not voluntarily leave for any reason. ANY reason." And then these well-intentioned but looney people attempted to explain to me that it was SO much warmer now than it had been the day before. Yes, because the day before was the -6 day, and yesterday the high was a balmy 25. So I'm supposed to do what now, break out my flip-flops and t-shirts?! It's still freezing. The snow is still not melting. The wind is still painfully cold. Call me when it's 75.


Stephanie said...

someone the other day was talking about how this year it just FEELS colder than it has other years, and I think it might be because it was warm for so long that we didn't get the gradual shift into cold. It was just a shock. brrr....

Stereoette said...

.... there must be some Torros in the Atmosphere...

(okay im embarassed that was the reference I grabbed out of this)

The other day it was 37 degrees and I decided it was warm enough to take a walk.

A 40 block walk.

Either I'm crazy, or I really hvae gotten used to this weather.

Rachel said...

There's no shame Joi, as that's exactly where the line was blatantly stolen from in the first place. Nicely done...if it had been a contest, you totally would have won a prize.